
Dartmouth Postdoctoral Fellowship in Linguistics

Dartmouth College invites applications for a 2-year Guarini Dean’s Postdoctoral Fellowship in Linguistics, starting fall 2024. Our Dartmouth Linguistics Department has a long-term commitment to lesser-studied, underrepresented minority/minoritized language communities and empirical research around the world in collaboration with community members and community linguists. For this fellowship position, we are particularly interested in expanding our research involvement in North American minority/minoritized languages or dialects, although regions outside this continent may also be considered. Applications are due March 1, 2024 on Interfolio:

Please direct questions about this job to Prof. James Stanford:

Indigenous Linguist – Department of Anthropology, University of Winnipeg

The Department of Anthropology is seeking an Indigenous linguist who will help build an interdisciplinary Indigenous languages focus at The University of Winnipeg. We are seeking an individual with training in descriptive linguistics and/or language documentation and who has experience developing curriculum, programming, and research relevant to the revitalization of Indigenous languages in Manitoba and neighbouring regions. The successful applicant will be an effective teacher whose scholarship is grounded in community-engaged practices and methodologies and who has a demonstrated ability to work collaboratively in an interdisciplinary environment. The ability to speak an Indigenous language spoken in Manitoba or neighbouring regions is an asset.

Job: Specialists, University of California, San Diego

The Office of Research Affairs, at the University of California, San Diego, in support of the campus, multidisciplinary Organized Research Units (ORUs) is conducting an open search for various Specialists (non-tenured, Assistant, Associate or Full level) in various academic disciplines. At UC San Diego, Specialists are academic appointees who provide expertise in a specialized area, engage in professional activities, and University and/or public service, do not have formal teaching responsibilities, and normally work as a member of a research team lead by a Principal Investigator.