Standing Committees

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is responsible for nominating members to run for positions on the Executive Committee, namely the Vice President (who later becomes the President, and then Past President) as well as the Members at Large.

Nominating Committee Members

  • David Costa (2023-2025)

  • Hilaria Cruz (2024-2026)

  • Pedro Mateo Pedro (2025-2027)

Program Committee

The Program Committee consists of the voting members of the SSILA Executive Committee plus an additional 3-person committee with rotating membership. Each year 1 person is appointed to the Program Committee by the Executive Committee. The Chair is the person in their 3rd year, who mentors the 2nd-year member. The 2nd-year member becomes Chair the following year. The Program Committee coordinates with the Program Committee Chair in areas such as reviewer assignment, scheduling, and generally managing the reader pool.

Together with the voting members of the Executive Committee, the Program Committee reads abstracts and makes decisions about what should be included in the program. It also makes decisions about submissions for organized sessions. The Program Committee Chair assigns abstracts to members of the reader pool, reads abstracts, and with the Program Committee decides on what goes into the program and schedules talks.

This 3-person, rotating membership is volunteer. Calls for volunteers will be posted on the website and e-newsletter in December of each year in addition to being announced at the Annual Business Meeting in January. If you wish to volunteer for the Program Committee, please contact the SSILA secretary.

Program Committee Members

  • John Powell (Program Committee Administrator, 2024-2026) (email)

  • Adrienne Tsikewa (Chair, 2023-2025)

  • Jordan Douglas-Tavani (2024-2026)

  • Karolin Obert (2024-2026)

  • Executive Committee Representatives:

    • Jack Martin

    • Pattie Epps

    • Aaron Broadwell

Award Committees

Best Student Paper Award Committee

  • Aaron Broadwell (Chair)

Victor Golla Prize Committee

  • TBA (Chair)

Mary R. Haas Award Committee

  • Jack Martin (Chair)

Ken Hale Prize Committee

  • Pattie Epps (Chair)

Travel Award Committee

  • Raina Heaton (Chair)

  • Jaime Pérez González

  • Ambrocio Gutierrez Lorenzo

SSILA Archiving Award Committee

  • TBA (Chair)

  • Susan Gehr

  • One appointed by committee


Nominating Commitee Archive

Program Committee Archive

Best Student Presentation Committee Archive

Victor Golla Prize Committee Archive

Mary R. Haas Award Committee Archive

Ken Hale Prize Committee Archive

Travel Award Committee Archive