IJAL 86(1) Now Available

The latest issue of the International Journal ofAmerican Linguistics (IJAL) is available on the University ofChicago Press Journals website. A table of contents can be viewed below.

Visit journals.uchicago.edu/ijal toexplore the individual articles from this issue and to learn more about IJAL,including how to submit manuscripts and how to subscribe.

Visit the website of IJAL’s editorial officeat americanlinguistics.org.

International Journal of American Linguistics 86, No. 1 (January 2020)


Uto-Aztecan Lexicostatistics 2.0 Jason D. Haugen, Michael Everdell, and Benjamin A. Kuperman

The Expression of Speaker and Nonspeaker Surprise in South Conchucos Quechua Daniel J. Hintz

An Inspection of Preferred Argument Structure in Mapudungun Narratives Florian Matter

A Phonological Sketch of Omagua Clare S. Sandy and Zachary O’Hagan

Multilingual Interactions and Code-Mixing in Northwest Amazonia Wilson de Lima Silva


Tone & Accent in Oklahoma Cherokee. By Hiroto Uchihara Reviewed by Samantha Cornelius

Lacandon Maya-Spanish-English Dictionary / Diccionario maya lacandón-español-inglés. By Charles Andrew Hofling; A Dictionary of Ch’orti’ Mayan-Spanish-English. By Kerry M. Hull Reviewed by David F. Mora-Marín