Call for SSILA Program Committee Member

SSILA Members,

In 2017, SSILA created a new Program Committee structureto assist the Executive Committee and the Program Administrator inorganizing the SSILA annual meeting.  We are pleased to say that thisstructure is working well. Analía Gutiérrez has served three years and is rotating off the committee. We thankher for her service to SSILA and her contribution to the Program Committee. So,we are requesting nominations for a SSILA member to serve as the new member ofthe Program Committee for three years.

The Committee structure is as follows:

Program Committee (in addition to members of theExecutive Committee, who serve as members of the Program Committee):

  • 3-person committee, with rotating membership

    • Chair is the member in their 3rd year, who mentors the second-yearmember, who will be Chair the following year.

    • The Program Committee co-ordinates with the Program Administratorin areas such as reviewer assignment and scheduling, and generally managing thereader pool.

    • The Program Committee reads abstracts and makes decisions aboutwhat should be on the Program. It also makes decisions about submissions fororganized sessions.

    • The Program Committee Chair assigns abstracts to members of thereader pool, reads abstracts, with the Program Committee decides on what goeson the program, and schedules talks. The incoming Program Committee Chair ismentored by the current Program Committee Chair.

    • Each year one person is appointed to the Program Committee by theExecutive Committee

Please nominate yourself or someone else by February 7, 2019.  Please give a brief explanation of why you or the person that you nominate would be a good fit for this position. If you nominate someone else, please confirm with them that they would be willing to serve on the committee for a three-year term. The Executive Committee will select the new Program Committee member from the nominees.

Nominations should be sent to:  Tania Granadillo at, and Mary Linn at

Description of the position:

  • Members of the Program Committee will work closely with the Program Committee Chair and the Program Administrator, carrying out the responsibilities associated with putting together the program for SSILA’s annual meeting.

  • The Program Committee members will be appointed by SSILAʼs Executive Committee - and will serve for 3 years.

  • Most of the Program Committee duties fall in August and September, with some work in May and June.


  • Opportunity to interact with many members of SSILA

  • Professional advancement experience

  • National/International professional service

Thank you for your support!