SSILA Call for Organized Session Proposals

The Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas

Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah

January 4-7, 2018

Deadline for Organized Session Proposals:

June 1st, 2017

The annual winter meeting of SSILA will be held jointly with the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America in Salt Lake City, Utah on January 4-7, 2018.

Call for Organized Session Proposals*

SSILA welcomes proposals for organized sessions. This is an opportunity for researchers to organize a series of presentations that revolve around a single typological, methodological or areal theme. The presentations must be based on original research focusing on the linguistic study of the indigenous languages of the Americas.Organized sessions involve more than one scholar and are expected to make a distinctive and creative contribution to the meeting. Proposals for organized sessions are NOT reviewed anonymously. These sessions may be: (1) symposia which include several presentations on a single topic; (2) workshops focused on a specific theme or issue; (3) colloquia which include a major presentation with one or more invited discussants; or (4) sessions of any other kind with a clear, specific, and coherent rationale. Sessions can be 1.5 or 3 hours long.

Abstract Submission

The deadline for the receipt of organized session proposals is midnight (the end of the day) June 1st.All organized session proposals should be submitted electronically by e-mail to SSILA Program Committee Administrator Martin Kohlberger ( Proposals should be submitted in English.The proposal must include: (1) a session abstract outlining the purpose, motivation, length (maximum: 3 hours), and justification for the session; (2) names of all participants, including discussants, titles of papers, and abstracts of a maximum of one page for each presentation; (11pt or 12 pt, single spaced, 1-inch margins); (3) a complete account, including timetable, of what each participant will do. Abstracts following the above guidelines should be submitted for each poster as well, and the session abstract should state clearly whether an abstract is to be considered as a talk or as a poster. Note that SSILA organized sessions, even when structured as symposia, do not have to follow the 20-minute paper + 10-minute discussion format. The entire proposal should be submitted in a single PDF document.* Please note there will be a call for regular papers and posters in the coming weeks. This call is only for organized session proposals.