Changes to SSILA Program

The following changes have been made to the SSILA 2017 program. Any additional changes will also be posted on this page, and you can always view the most up-to-date program here, and download the latest PDF version here.

  • Cancelled: First thoughts about the prehistory of Tlacolulita Zapotec - Rosemary Beam De Azcoma (Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia), originally at 3:00 Friday.
  • Change of Time: Jeffrey Davis' (University of Tennessee) talk titled 'Historical and contemporary evidenve for a signed lingua franca among American Indian Nations' is now Friday @ 3:00 rather than 3:30.
  • Change of Time: The session on Ideophones now begins Friday @ 3:30 rather than 4:00. This session includes the following talks:
    • Rethinking mono-sensory, implicational approaches to ideophones in Pastaza Quichua - Janis Nuckolls (Brigham Young University), Sydney Jensen (Brigham Young University), Emily Peterson (Brigham Young University), & Matthew Millar (Brigham Young University)
    • The onomatopoeic ideophone-gesture relationship in Pastaza Quichua - Sarah Hatton (Brigham Young University)
  • Cancelled: Rosetta Stone Chickasaw - Juliet Morgan (University of Oklahoma) & Joshua Hinson (Chickasaw Nation), originally at 4:00 Friday.
  • Cancelled: Copular Clauses in Cherokee and Baker’s Theory of Agreement - Faruk Akkus (University of Pennsylvania), originally at 4:00 Friday.
  • Cancelled: Non-Topical Pragmatic Functions of Bribri Intermittent Ergative Marking - Rolando Coto-Solano (University of Arizona) & Adriana Molina-Muñoz (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), originally at 11:00 Saturday.
  • Cancelled: Phonetics or phonology: The interaction between pitch and Dorsey’s Law vowels in Mandan - Ryan Kasak (Yale University) & Jonnia Torres (University of Colorado, Boulder), originally at 11:30 Saturday.
  • Cancelled: A reinterpretation of "independent" transitive clauses in Tsimshianic - Marie-Lucie Tarpent (Dalhousie University), originally at 11:00 Friday.
  • Change of Title: Eladio (B'alam) Mateo Toledo's (CIESAS - Sureste) talk title has been updated to, 'The status of prenominal adjectives in Q’anjob’al / La ausencia de adjetivos modificadores en q’anjob’al y otras lenguas mayas'. His talk is Saturday @ 4:30.
  • Typo: Timothy Henry's talk (Friday @ 8:30 a.m.) should be titled, 'Typological contributions of Ventureño Chumash possessive constructions'.
  • Typo: The special session on the Terrence Kaufman archival collection should be titled, 'The relevance of language documentation to the field of linguistics: Case studies based on the Terrence Kaufman Collection at the Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America'.