Call for Papers: The phonetic structures of Indigenous languages of South America

The 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 19) will take place in Melbourne, Australia on 5-9 August 2019, with “Endangered Languages” as one of the themes of the conference.  We are delighted to announce that there will be a special session at the Congress devoted to the phonetic structures of Indigenous languages of South America.  We are now inviting full paper submissions on original, unpublished research relating to the phonetics of any Indigenous South American language.  The special session will be a poster session, but all successful submissions will be immediately published as part of the prestigious ICPhS proceedings.

This special session is a venue for researchers to present the most up-to-date phonetic research on endangered South American Indigenous languages. In particular, the session focuses on how researching phonetic structures in native South American languages can inform and enrich phonetic typology as a whole. Furthermore, this session offers a possibility for field phoneticians working on endangered languages to exchange methodological insights given that mainstream practices for collecting phonetic data may not be possible in the small remote communities where many endangered languages are spoken.

Authors are requested to first send an e-mail to the organisers of the special session (m.kohlberger@hum.leidenuniv.nllorena.orjuela@utexas.edu), indicating their intention to submit.  In order to formally submit a paper, authors must go through the general submission process for ICPhS 19 (https://www.icphs2019.org/call-for-papers/).  Upon submission, authors will have to indicate that they wish to take part in the special session “The phonetic structures of Indigenous languages of South America”.  All submissions will go through a double-blind review process.  The deadline for submission is 4 December 2018, and authors will be notified of decisions regarding acceptance by 15 February 2019.

Submissions need to conform to a strict format.  Papers can only be a maximum of four A4 pages long, with an additional page for reference.  Further details about format, including Word and LaTeX templates, can be found on the ICPhS 19 website (https://www.icphs2019.org/call-for-papers/).

Students and early career researchers can apply for awards towards travel costs through ASSTA (http://www.assta.org/?q=assta-conference-travel-awards-0) or IPA (https://www.internationalphoneticassociation.org/content/grants).

For any questions or clarifications, please contact the session organisers, Martin Kohlberger (m.kohlberger@hum.leidenuniv.nl) or Lorena Orjuela Salinas (lorena.orjuela@utexas.edu).