Job: University of Toronto (St. George Campus)

The Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto (St. George Campus), invites applications for one full-time teaching stream appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, in the area of Indigenous Language Documentation and Revitalization in languages spoken in North America, preferably in Canada. The appointment is expected to begin July 1, 2020.

Applicants must have at least a Masters degree in Linguistics, or a related discipline, in the area of Indigenous Language Documentation and Revitalization in languages spoken in North America, preferably Canada by the time of appointment. A PhD in Linguistics or related discipline by the time of appointment or shortly thereafter is preferred. Qualified candidates must possess a strong record of teaching that highlights Indigenous languages and training students in working with communities, fieldwork methodology, technology that is critical for successful language documentation and revitalization, as well as a record of working within Indigenous communities on language documentation and revitalization.

Responsibilities include teaching large and small undergraduate courses. Experience in teaching-related scholarly activities is required and must include: (i) working with Indigenous communities in the area of language documentation and revitalization, and (ii) working on discipline-related teaching methodologies and practice, curriculum development and implementation. Candidates will demonstrate a strong commitment to undergraduate teaching and the demonstrated ability to become a leader in enhancing undergraduate education in Indigenous language documentation and revitalization.

The successful applicant must have experience as a course instructor, a record of excellence in teaching, pedagogical inquiry, and teaching-related activities such as curriculum development and student mentoring, and a demonstrated interest in teaching-related scholarly activity in Indigenous language documentation and revitalization. Evidence of excellence in teaching and pedagogy will be demonstrated by strong letters of reference, teaching evaluations, and the teaching dossier, to include a teaching statement and sample syllabi, submitted as part of the application. The successful applicant must also have demonstrated engagement with Indigenous communities, preferably in Canada, as demonstrated by collaborations within Indigenous communities and with other researchers who work with similar communities.

For information on how to apply, please see