Web Publications

Information Needed for 'Archiving the Future' Update

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

This semester I’m revising Archiving for the Future: Simple Steps for Archiving Language Documentation Collections. I am on a tight deadline to get the revisions done, so if you have any feedback available for me at this time, please send it to me at skung@austin.utexas.edu at your earliest convenience and no later than October 18, 2021.

 If you know anyone who is using or has used the course (e.g., as part of a field methods or language documentation course or for personal use) and who is not on this list, please forward this message to them.

The tight deadline is due to the good news that I’ve been funded to get the course translated into both Latin American Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese this academic year, so I need to get the revised draft to the translators very soon.

Thank you for your feedback!


SUSAN KUNG, PhD, Archive Manager, Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America (AILLA) ailla.utexas.org The University of Texas at Austin

CoLang Presents 2020 Web Series Available Online

Dear SSILA community,

We're happy to share with you all that the recordings of the 3-day CoLang Presents 2020 Web Series, which was held in June over Zoom, are now available and are being hosted on the University of Montana ScholarWorks site. There you can view and download the videos from each day of the Series, and find the transcripts for each video as well. 

Follow the link below to check it out:

Thanks again to everyone who participated and attended the first ever CoLang Web Series!


Carolyn O'Meara and Jean-Luc Pierite 

CoLang Co-conveners