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Journal Publications

IJAL 87(2) and April 2021 Supplement Now Available

The April 2021 issue of the International Journal of American Linguistics (IJAL) is now available along with the April 2021 supplement, “Texts in the Indigenous Languages of the Americas: Uto-Aztecan Narratives.” A table of contents for each can be viewed below.

Visit the University of Chicago Press Journals website at to explore the individual articles and to learn more about IJAL, including how to submit manuscripts and how to subscribe.

Visit the website of IJAL’s editorial office at

International Journal of American Linguistics 87, No. 2 (April 2021)


Grammatical Tone Patterns in Choguita Rarámuri (Tarahumara), Gabriela Caballero and Austin German

Descriptive Kinship Terms in Arawakan Languages: An Etymological Approach, Fernando O. de Carvalho

A Diachronic Account of Exceptional Progressive Nasalization Patterns in Guarani Causatives, Bruno Estigarribia

The Cabecar Relative Clause, Guillermo González Campos and Christian Lehmann

Mochica Pronouns: Their Internal Reconstruction and Significance for Worldwide Patterns of Paradigmatic Resemblances in Pronominal Shapes, Matthias Urban


A Grammar of Upper Tanana, Volume 1: Phonology, Lexical Classes, Morphology. By Olga Lovick, Reviewed by Alessandro Jaker



International Journal of American Linguistics 87, No. S1 (April 2021)

Texts in the Indigenous Languages of the Americas: Uto-Aztecan Narratives


Introduction, Gabriela García Salido and Tim Thornes

Northern Paiute, †Ruth Hoodie Lewis and Tim Thornes

Nuwä Abigip: Kawaiisu Language and Cultural Center, Laura Grant and Jocelyn Ahlers

Pahka’anil (Tübatulabal): Two Texts, Lindsay Marean, Michael Ahland, Bethany Lycan, Sergio Sandoval Sanchez, and Nicholas Sinetos

Serrano, Kenneth C. Hill

Cupeño, Jane H. Hill

Hiaki, Santos Leyva, Maria Leyva, Meg Anna Harvey, and Heidi Harley

Sonora Yaqui, Lilián Guerrero

Choguita Rarámuri (Tarahumara), Gabriela Caballero, Sebastián Fuentes Holguín, and Bertha Fuentes Loya

Southeastern Tepehuan, Gabriela García Salido, Inocencia Arellano Mijarez, and Michael Everdell

Tlaxcalan Nahuatl (Malinche Mexicano), Jane H. Hill

References and Abbreviations
