Webinar: Documenting Endangered Languages Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants


December 5, 2016 2:00 PM toDecember 5, 2016 3:30 PM

The DEL DDRIG solicitation, 16-617, was recently published. The solicitation can be found at https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2016/nsf16617/nsf16617.htm. This webinar will provide information for the preparation of proposals to be submitted to the Documenting Endangered Language Program (DEL) for Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (DDRIG).The webinar is scheduled for 2 pm EST, Monday December 5. It will last an hour and a half and there will be time for questions.Registration required. Register at: https://nsf.webex.com/nsf/j.php?RGID=r729dd54b7e50587827e8c7c7358905e2.Meeting number (access code): 742 845 353Meeting password: DELDDRIGs@2016Contact: Dr. Colleen Fitzgerald, Program Director for Documenting Endangered Languages cfitzger@nsf.gov

LSA 2017 Fellowship for students and faculty of Tribal Colleges and Universities

The Linguistic Society of America (LSA) and the Endangered Language Fund is partnering with the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC), to learn from Tribal Colleges & Universities (TCUs) how linguists can support their language research and revitalization goals, and to foster ongoing collaborations with TCU students/faculty and linguists through identifying potential sources of support for such collaborations.Twenty fellowships, which cover travel, lodging, meals, and conference registration to the LSA Annual Meeting and the Workshop (January 5-8, 2017 in Austin, Texas), will be awarded through an application process to TCU students/faculty.  Each participant will be paired with a linguistics faculty or graduate student mentor throughout the conference.More information about the project and a link to the application can be found at the following link:http://www.linguisticsociety.org/content/building-capacity-linguistics-and-endangered-languages-tribal-colleges-and-universitiesApplication deadline: November 9, 2016, 5 PM, EST

Native American Studies position at Southern Oregon University (SOU)

The Southern Oregon University (SOU) Native American Studies program invites applications for a tenure track faculty position in Native American Studies at the Assistant (possibly Associate) Professor level.The person in this position will demonstrate a strong commitment to undergraduate teaching and mentoring, and will contribute to the development of the Native American Studies program (see http://www.sou.edu/natam/index.html). This person should be able to teach the core three-quarter sequence in Native American Studies (NAS 201, 301, and 410) along with other courses to be determined according to the person’s areas of interest and program needs. This person’s specialization is open, but the program is especially interested in furthering course offerings on topics in language, ecology, and ethnobotany in a way that supports the tribal communities around SOU. This person will be a scholar-practitioner who can advance the program’s objectives of furthering Native American Studies across the wider community and of integrating Native American needs and perspectives into teaching, scholarship, and service.Read the full job posting at the link below:https://jobs.sou.edu/postings/5659

ELDP grant round open

SSILA members may be interested in applying for the Endangered Languages Documentation Program (ELDP) annual grant:The grant round closes 15th January 2017, 5pm (GMT) and applicants will be notified of the result by 15th June 2017.The types of grants available are:

  • Small Grants of up to £10,000
  • Small Grants of up to £10,000
  • Individual Postdoctoral Fellowships
  • Major Documentation Projects

Our key objectives are:

  • to support the documentation of as many endangered languages as possible
  • to encourage fieldwork on endangered languages
  • to create a repository of resources for linguistics, social science, and the language communities
  • to make the documentary collections freely available

You can find detailed guidelines about the scope of our programme, the different grant types and eligibility criteria here: http://www.eldp.net/en/our+ grants/grant+types/All applications must be submitted online. You can access the application forms through our website: http://www.eldp.net/en/apply/all+grant+types/

Native American Linguistics & Language Revitalization position at University of Arizona

The Department of Linguistics at the University of Arizona is initiating a search for a tenure-track position in Native American Linguistics and Language Revitalization.  The position requires a PhD in Linguistics or a related discipline, and involves teaching and mentoring at the undergraduate and graduate levels, conducting research, and undertaking service duties in Native American Linguistics and Language Revitalization. The course load is 2-2, including courses in both our Native American Master's in Linguistics program and in the Language Revitalization track of our PhD program.The full job add may be viewed here.We are eager to be sure that ALL potential candidates have a chance to consider our ad! Please forward this announcement as widely as you can, and if you or someone you know may potentially be interested in applying but have questions, please contact me (or have them contact me: hharley@email.arizona.edu). Also feel free to send us suggestions for potential candidates who we could reach out to!Here's a link to our current Graduate Handbook, in case you'd like to check the relevant graduate programs out.

  • Master of Arts in Native American Languages and Linguistics: p. 27-28
  • PhD track in Language Revitalization: p. 10-11
  • Joint PhD in Anthropology and Linguistics: p. 23-25

At the undergraduate level, the Department of Linguistics offers a survey course on Native American Languages, among diverse other courses in linguistics, and also language courses in the Tohono O'odham and Navajo languages.The University of Arizona is also home to the American Indian Languages Development Institute (AILDI), which brings students and educators working in Indigenous language revitalization to campus every summer for an intensive course of study.

Call for Tribal College & University Linguistics Workshop Participants

(Reposted from the LSA website)The LSA joined with its project partners to issue the following call to students and faculty at Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) to apply to participate in a special workshop on language and linguistics at the LSA's upcoming Annual Meeting in Austin, TX. Please share this call [pdf] with anyone who might be interested.Are you studying, teaching, or revitalizing languages at your Tribal College or University? Have you wanted to know more about linguistics, how to work with linguists, or why linguists described your language the way they did?The Linguistic Society of America (LSA) is partnering with AIHEC on a grant that LSA received from the National Science Foundation (Grant No. 1643510) to collaborate in building the research capacity of Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) and in broadening participation by American Indians and Alaska Natives in the language sciences. This project seeks to learn from TCUs how linguists can support their language research and revitalization goals, and to foster ongoing collaborations with TCU students/faculty and linguists through identifying potential sources of support for such collaborations.The centerpiece of the project will be a full-day workshop designed to address the interests and needs of TCU faculty and students in their work on language and the scientific study of language (linguistics). Twenty fellowships, which cover travel, lodging, meals, and conference registration to the LSA Annual Meeting and the Workshop (January 5-8, 2017 in Austin, Texas), will be awarded through an application process to TCU students/faculty. Each participant will be paired with an LSA faculty or graduate student mentor throughout the conference.Selection criteria includes: 1) current TCU student or faculty, 2) maximizing TCU representation, 3) match between participant goals and resources of the workshop and the LSA meeting as a whole, and 4) the participant’s ability to travel to Austin, TX in early 2017 for the all-day workshop on January 5th.To apply, complete the form by clicking here, or paste this link into your browser: https://goo.gl/forms/KvxdT5K0fb4zRVLp1. The deadline for submission is November 9, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. EST.If you are not able to attend the workshop or the Annual Meeting, but would like to be notified when video from the workshop is published, please complete this form.To learn more about the Linguistic Society of America and this project, click here. Again, the submission deadline is 5:00 p.m. EST on November 9, 2016.

NSF Documenting Endangered Languages solicitation now available

(From Colleen Fitzgerald, NSF DEL P.D.)The Documenting Endangered Languages (DEL) program has a new solicitation NSF 16-617, Documenting Endangered Languages - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (DEL-DDRIG). Proposals may be submitted anytime to this solicitation; doctoral students are limited to two DDRIG submissions over the course of their graduate careers.Eligibility for the DEL-DDRIG solicitation 16-617 is limited to doctoral students who are enrolled at Ph.D. granting universities and colleges accredited in, and having a campus located in the US acting on behalf of their faculty members. DEL DDRIG proposals must be submitted with a faculty member (generally the advisor) as the principal investigator (PI) and the doctoral student as the co-principal investigator (Co-PI).DDRIGs recommended by the DEL Program will not exceed $15,000 in allowable direct costs over the duration of the award. Indirect costs are in addition to this maximum direct cost limitation and are subject to the awardee's current Federally negotiated indirect cost rate. Project budgets should be developed at scales appropriate for the work to be conducted and may only include costs directly associated with the conduct of dissertation research. DEL DDRIGs cannot reimburse the costs of a stipend or salary for the doctoral student or advisor.For full information on allowable costs and other restrictions, view the solicitation at:https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2016/ nsf16617/nsf16617.htm

CoLang 2018 to be hosted by the University of Florida

The 2018 Institute on Collaborative Language Research (CoLang) will be held at the University of Florida from June 18 - July 20, 2018. This institute may be of interest to SSILA members working on documentation and revitalization projects, and includes dozens of useful workshops on all aspects of language documentation and revitalization. Its focus is to bring research linguists and community language activists together to learn best practices in language documentation and revitalization. This is an especially good opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in entering this area of linguistics, so consider sharing this with your department as well!More details can be found at the following link:http://www.linguisticsociety.org/news/2016/10/12/colang-2018-be-hosted-university-florida

Call for applications for National Breath of Life Archival Institute now open

The application window for the National Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages is now open.

The Mission of the National Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages is to help endangered language communities find and utilize their linguistic archival sources from archives located in the D.C. area.

More information about how to apply can be found here.

Registration for Annual Meeting

Registration for the SSILA 2017 meeting is now open! Registration should be completed through the LSA website by going to the LSA meeting page and clicking the Register for Meeting button at the top of the page.For attendees who are not LSA members but would like to register at member rates, the following coupon codes can be used during checkout:[emember_protected]

  • 2017AMSSREG (regular members)
  • 2017AMSSSTUDENT (student members)

[/emember_protected]These codes will allow you to register as a nonmember, while receiving member rates.If you are already an LSA member, you should login to the LSA website and register as an LSA member - do not use the above coupon codes if you are already an LSA member.The LSA's annual meeting page also has links to hotel reservations, which are available through December 14.Part of the Annual Meeting schedule - the posters and 20-minute papers - is viewable by clicking the Schedule tab on the Annual Meeting page. The rest - the organized sessions, plenaries, one-off events, etc. - will be available by early October.

SSILA 2017 Meeting Information

2017 Annual Meeting

Austin, TX

January 5-8, 2017

The deadline for abstract submissions has passed. Notifications of acceptance were sent on or about Sept. 13, 2016.

The annual winter meeting of SSILA will be held jointly with the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) in Austin, TX at the JW Marriott, January 5-8, 2017. Information about the hotel and location can be found at the LSA website. Participants will be able to register for the meeting and reserve hotel rooms online at the LSA site between 09/01/2016 and 12/18/2016.For the most up-to-date details about meeting registration, hotel reservations, etc. please check the LSA website.

Meeting Registration

Registration for SSILA can be done through the LSA website at this link. Addtional information about registration is also available at the LSA website. Everyone attending the meeting is expected to register, and registrants should wear their meeting badges at all times when at LSA Annual Meeting functions.


Preregistration for the 2017 Annual Meeting will be available from September 1 through December 18, 2016.Preregistration rates are as follows:

  • Regular/Emeritus/Life Members: $240
  • Student Members: $78
  • Under/Unemployed Members: $90
  • Nonmember - Regular: $350
  • Nonmember - Student: $150

Onsite Registration

Any attendees who have not preregistered for the Meeting by the December 18 deadline will need to register onsite during the hours listed immediately above. Onsite registration fees are:

  • Regular/Emeritus/Life Members: $310
  • Student Members: $115
  • Under/Unemployed Members: $105
  • Nonmember - Regular: $420
  • Nonmember - Student: $175
  • Special 1-day Rate: $85

Preregistrants may claim their conference tote bags, badges, and handbooks at the registration desk beginning at 12:00 p.m. on January 5. Registration will be open from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on January 5, from 8:00 AM. to 7:00 p.m. on January 6 and 7, and from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on January 8.

Hotel Reservations

The JW Marriott Austin has reserved a block of rooms for those attending the 2017 Annual Meeting. The JW Marriott is one of Austin's newest and largest hotels, and is convenient both to public transportation, major landmarks, and local dining and entertainment options. Read more about why attendees should book with the LSA Room Block for the 2017 Annual Meeting.Reservations may be made online or by telephone ((844) 473-3959; reference the Linguistic Society of America meeting) from September 1 through December 14, 2016.  The special LSA room rates for the 2017 Annual Meeting are:Single/Double: $119/nightTriple: $129/nightQuad: $139/night

CFP: Indigenous Names & Toponyms

Call for Papers

Special journal issue of NAMES devoted to

Indigenous Names & Toponyms

The American Name Society (ANS) is inviting abstracts for scientific papers providing an analysis and discussion of indigenous names and toponyms found in former European colonies in the Americas, Africa, Asia, the Pacific and the Antipodes. Any area of the use of indigenous names may be the subject of analysis. Suggested issues for discussion include, but are by no means limited to the following: the transcription (spelling) of indigenous names and/or determining their meanings, indigenous naming practices, indigenous names as identity markers, the reinstallation of indigenous toponyms, the reclamation of indigenous languageand culture through their names, and the appropriation of indigenous names, etc.

Proposal Submission Process

  1. Proposals should include a précis of no more than 500 words and a 50-word biographical sketch of the author including the author’s name, affiliation, onomastic interests, and email.
  2. All submissions must follow the Journal’s official stylistic and grammatical regulations, available at http://www.maneyonline.com/ifa/nam.
  3. Proposals should be sent via email attachment in a .doc or .docx format to Dr. I. M. Nick at mavi.yaz@web.de, with “Indigenous Names and Toponyms” in the subject line.
  4. Proposals must be received by 1 February, 2017.
  5. All submissions will be subjected to a blind peer review process.
  6. Notification of acceptance will be announced on or about 31 March, 2017.
  7. Final submissions due for publication 31 July, 2017.
  8. For questions, please contact either Dr. I. M. Nick at mavi.yaz@web.de, or Dr.Jan Tent at jan.tent@anu.edu.au.

Call for papers: From Scroll to Scrolling: Shifting cultures of language and identity

Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs5th Annual International and Interdisciplinary Conference Call for Papers From Scroll to Scrolling: Shifting cultures of language and identity March 9-11, 2017Middlebury College, Vermont, USALanguage and identity are inseparable. Changes in writing technology, on the one hand, and inpower dynamics, on the other, shape communities and individual identities. This conferenceexamines two intertwined themes: One, the impact of the production and circulation of texts,over time and place, on practices of writing, reading, and the transmission of knowledge. Two,the way in which power imbalances affect language use, community, and identity. As writingtechnologies emerge, decisions are made regarding what knowledge gets preserved and(re)produced or forgotten and lost. Changes in technologies of writing and access to theircontrol have profound effects on cultural survival and social change.The conference will address questions such as

  • How are individual and cultural identities linked to the materiality of a given language

and its writing system (e.g., the painterly quality of Chinese ideographs; Helveticatypeface)? Are there universal elements of written technology that transcendparticulars? Is digital technology—the ability to type any language on a singlekeyboard—flattening or erasing the materiality of individual languages?

  • How have the physical aspects of the production and circulation of texts (e.g. carvings,

scroll, codex, manuscript, screen) shaped knowledge production over time? How havechanges in ways of writing and reading lent new meanings to ‘old’ texts, and newreading experiences?

  • How does the study of ancient technologies of writing and reading—epigraphy,

scholarship of Chinese bone script—inform contemporary understandings of culturalcommunity? Does it suggest essential continuities? Or does it suggest a rupture withthe past in which technology has fundamentally changed the nature of communication?

  • How have national literatures and cultures negotiated the distance between their oral

and written languages through time? How have uses of technologies of writing createdor reflected this distance?

  • How have religious communities negotiated changes in technologies of writing and what

role have sacred languages played in the construction of shared religious identitiesacross linguistically diverse communities?Presenters may want to address the following themes:

  • Language and identity
  • Materiality of language
  • Sacred language
  • Orality, literacy, and new media
  • Poetics, textuality, politics
  • Censorship and language policies: threatened and disappearing languages
  • Technologies of writing—multiplicity, diversity and change
  • Technology, hybridity, authorship

We invite papers that address these issues from a range of disciplinary perspectives as theypertain to different historical periods and geographical locations.Those interested in presenting at the conference should send an abstract (no more than 250words) and their curriculum vitae by October 1, 2016, to the organizers below. The selectionprocess is competitive.Funds are available to support travel and lodging of all participants.Organizers:Tamar Mayer, Professor of Geography and Director of the Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs,mayer@middlebury.eduSteve Snyder, Professor of Japanese Studies and Dean of Language Schools,ssnyder@middlebury.eduJuana Gamero de Coca, Associate Professor of Spanish, jgamero@middlebury.eduMarybeth Nevins, Associate Professor of Anthropology, mnevins@middlebury.edu