Call for Tribal College & University Linguistics Workshop Participants

(Reposted from the LSA website)The LSA joined with its project partners to issue the following call to students and faculty at Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) to apply to participate in a special workshop on language and linguistics at the LSA's upcoming Annual Meeting in Austin, TX. Please share this call [pdf] with anyone who might be interested.Are you studying, teaching, or revitalizing languages at your Tribal College or University? Have you wanted to know more about linguistics, how to work with linguists, or why linguists described your language the way they did?The Linguistic Society of America (LSA) is partnering with AIHEC on a grant that LSA received from the National Science Foundation (Grant No. 1643510) to collaborate in building the research capacity of Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) and in broadening participation by American Indians and Alaska Natives in the language sciences. This project seeks to learn from TCUs how linguists can support their language research and revitalization goals, and to foster ongoing collaborations with TCU students/faculty and linguists through identifying potential sources of support for such collaborations.The centerpiece of the project will be a full-day workshop designed to address the interests and needs of TCU faculty and students in their work on language and the scientific study of language (linguistics). Twenty fellowships, which cover travel, lodging, meals, and conference registration to the LSA Annual Meeting and the Workshop (January 5-8, 2017 in Austin, Texas), will be awarded through an application process to TCU students/faculty. Each participant will be paired with an LSA faculty or graduate student mentor throughout the conference.Selection criteria includes: 1) current TCU student or faculty, 2) maximizing TCU representation, 3) match between participant goals and resources of the workshop and the LSA meeting as a whole, and 4) the participant’s ability to travel to Austin, TX in early 2017 for the all-day workshop on January 5th.To apply, complete the form by clicking here, or paste this link into your browser: The deadline for submission is November 9, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. EST.If you are not able to attend the workshop or the Annual Meeting, but would like to be notified when video from the workshop is published, please complete this form.To learn more about the Linguistic Society of America and this project, click here. Again, the submission deadline is 5:00 p.m. EST on November 9, 2016.