New Executive Secretary / Treasurer

SSILA is happy to announce that Mary S. Linn (Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage) will be SSILA’s new Executive Secretary / Treasurer!

She will be coordinating with Keren Rice, Tania Granadillo and the Executive Committee. Her three-year term will begin at the end of the SSILA 2019 meeting in New York City.

We would like to thank Mary for her participation in SSILA and for her willingness to take on this important position.

Call for Reviewers: SSILA 2019 Abstracts

The SSILA Program Committee is seeking volunteers to serve as abstract reviewers for the 2019 Annual Meeting, which will be held in New York City, NY on January 3-6.  Reviewing of abstracts will take place in August 2018.If you would like to volunteer, please complete this short survey.This survey will be used to find the best match for each abstract.  All reviewers must have a PhD and be members of SSILA. If you have any questions please notify the SSILA Program Committee Manager, Martin Kohlberger, by emailing