DUPLICATE PROPOSALS submitted to both LSA and a Sister SocietySo that duplicate proposals are not submitted in future, Alice Taff and Ivy Doak met with the LSA Program Committee on 1/11/15. LSA will add wording to their call for papers precluding the submission of the same abstract to both LSA and a Sister Society. SSILA will do the same. SSILA TRIBUTE TO EMMON BACHFor 2016, the LSA Program Committee has approved development by Pat Shaw of a special joint LSA/SSILA symposium in honor of Emmon Bach’s diverse contributions (ranging across and often integrating complex domains of semantic, syntactic, morphological, and phonological behaviors) that derived from his work with a number of the indigenous languages of North America, particularly Haisla (Wakashan), Coast Tsimshian (Tsimshianic), and Western Abenaki (Algonquian). Thank you Pat! MEMBERSHIPTo simplify your ongoing SSILA membership renewals, select recurring membership, which will provide an automatic renewal and notification each year. You can opt out of this when you like.