Registration for SSILA & LSA
Registration for the SSILA 2018 meeting is now open! Registration should be completed through the LSA website by going to the the LSA Annual Meeting page.Meeting registration and hotel reservations will open September 1. Meeting registration will be open through December 15, and hotel reservations through December 13.
Meeting Registration
Preregistration information is available here. One of the benefits of SSILA meeting with the LSA is that SSILA attendees get to register at LSA member rates. They can do this in one of two ways:
- If attendees are already LSA members, they can log in to the LSA website and simply register for the meeting using the instructions provided at the link above.
- For attendees who are not LSA members but would like to register at member rates, the following coupon codes can be used during checkout. These codes will allow you to register as a nonmember, while receiving member rates.
Registration Codes
(You must be logged in to view these codes.)[emember_protected]
- Non-student attendees: SISTER2018REGULAR
- Student attendees: SISTER2018STUDENT
[/emember_protected]NOTE: If you are already an LSA member, you should login to the LSA website and register as an LSA member – do not use the above coupon codes if you are already an LSA member.
Hotel Reservations
The LSA Annual Meeting page has been updated to include information about local transportation, dining, and nightlife.Hotel reservation information and links are available here. To prevent abuse, the link for the cheaper student reservations has been restricted to LSA student members. If there are student attendees that would like to register for this rate, please email David Robinson at the LSA and he will get them set up.If you have any questions, please contact:
David RobinsonDirector of Membership and MeetingsLinguistic Society of America522 21st St NW, Suite 120Washington, DC