Posting SSILA 2016 Materials

Attention SSILA 2016 presenters!
Thanks to all of you for your participation in the SSILA 2016 meeting.  Now, if you wish to do so, you may choose to post your conference talks on the SSILA website.   Once all of the talks have been gathered, they will be made publicly available online at
Here is what we need from you:
  1. Content:  You may choose to post a handout, slides, a paper, or any combination of these.
  2. Format:  Please provide every document in PDF format.  Slide presentations with embedded media may be accepted as slides, but please provide a PDF copy as well.
  3. Size:  Please limit your combined contributions to 50MB.  (Contact me if this is an issue.)
  4. Recipients:  Please email your PDFs to and cc
  5. Opting out:  If you do not wish to post materials online, please let us know by email at your convenience.  (That way I won't send you reminder emails.)
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me (Lewis) at