LSA Pre-registration reminder

The deadline for LSA preregistration is Friday, December 19, 2014.  If you do not preregister, you will pay a higher fee for onsite registration.SSILA 2015 attendees who are LSA members can log in to the LSA website ( and register as a member (by clicking on the “Register for meeting” button on the Annual Meeting web page).  If you are an LSA member, you should NOT use any coupon codes, since you willl automatically get the member preregistration discount.Attendees who are not LSA members should go to the Annual Meeting web page (, click on the “Register for meeting” button, and select nonmember regular or nonmember student according to your status.   At checkout, you will have an opportunity to enter a coupon code:S-SOC15REGULAR for nonstudent attendeesandS-SOC15STUDENT for student attendees.The coupon code will provide you with member-level discount.