Language Legacies Call for Proposals (2020)

The Endangered Language Fund provides grants for language documentation and revitalization, and for linguistic fieldwork. The work most likely to be funded is that which serves both the native community and the field of linguistics, although projects which have immediate applicability to one group and more distant applicability to the other will also be considered. Support for publication is a low priority, although it will be considered. Proposals can originate in any country. The language involved must be in danger of disappearing within a generation or two. Endangerment is a continuum, and the location on the continuum is one factor in our funding decisions.

Eligible expenses include consultant fees, equipment, travel, etc. Overhead is not allowed. Grants are for a one-year period, though extensions may be applied for. We expect grants in this round to be less than $4,000, and to average about $2,000.

Due to a generous contribution from an anonymous donor, combined with matching donations, the Endangered Language Fund is pleased to be able to expand the scope of its invited proposals through the MKARL Fund (in honor of Michael Krauss) to include work on archival initiatives and efforts. In particular, we encourage proposals that focus on the creation of archives, depositing material to archives, accessing archives, and the hosting of and/or attendance at workshops, seminars, or institutes that offer training and support on archiving activities and initiatives.

Applications must be received by March 15th, 2020. Decisions will be delivered in May, 2020.

You can find more information and instructions here: