Global Survey on Language Revitalization

Dear SSILA colleague,The Recovering Voices Initiative at the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum of Natural History is carrying out a survey of language revitalization programs worldwide. As part of our efforts, we are asking revitalization practitioners to please share their experience with us. This research is the first of its kind, and we expect that it will yield insights that are of value to practitioners involved in language revitalization around the world.We would be most grateful if you would be willing to take a moment to tell us about the language you are working to revitalize, and about your efforts to do so. You can access the survey in various language versions:

Chinese, Arabic, and Russian versions are coming soon and will be accessible through the Recovering Voices website at also share this call and relevant links with other language revitalization practitioners.  Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Gabriela Pérez Báez at