Call for SSILA Nominations - Victor Golla Prize

SSILA is pleased to announce a call for nominations for the Victor Golla Prize.  The award will be presented at the 2021 SSILA annual meeting. The deadline for receipt of nominations for the Victor Golla Prize is June 15, 2020.

The Victor Golla Prize is presented in recognition of a significant history of both linguistic scholarship and service to the scholarly community.  The linguistic scholarship can take the form of either the documentation or philology of one or more indigenous languages of the Americas, such that the scholarly community knows significantly more about the language or languages of study as a result of that work. The service to the scholarly community can take the form of providing opportunities for others to communicate their work on indigenous languages, primarily through editorial work, conference organization, or responsibility for a major archive. The Prize, which bestows a life membership in SSILA on the recipient, seeks especially to honor those who strive to carry out interdisciplinary scholarship in the spirit of Victor Golla, combining excellent linguistic documentation or philology with scholarship in one or more other allied fields, such as anthropology, education, history, or literature. Nominations must be made by a member of SSILA for a member of SSILA.

The nominating package includes the following:

  1. Letter of nomination

  2. A version of the nominee’s CV

  3. Two letters of support reflecting the nominee’s scholarship and service.

To submit a nomination for the Victor Golla Prize, send the nominating package in PDF format by email to the SSILA Secretary. Please verify that it has in fact been received.

The deadline for receipt of nominations is June 15, 2020.