Call for papers -- Computational modeling of polysynthesis

Call for Papers

All Together Now? Computational Modeling of Polysynthetic Languages 25-26 August, 2018, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA Co-located with COLING 2018

Polysynthetic languages are languages where words typically consist of many morphemes, each with independent meaning. Polysynthetic languages occur all over the world. In particular, the Indigenous languages of the Americas are polysynthetic, as well as many languages of Australia, Siberia and New Guinea.This workshop aims to bring together specialists in language technology and linguists on one hand with language practitioners and revitalization experts on the other. Our goal is to foster an informed dialogue about these languages with contributions from all workshop attendees, so that polysynthetic languages can benefit from most recent advances of language technology, in a way that is helpful, productive and addresses immediate needs of the language communities. The workshop has been planned around COLING to ensure that computational advances for these complex languages both draws on the knowledge of related communities and contributes to their needs. We seek two types of contribution:

(1) original research papers which present results of linguistic and computational linguistic analysis;

(2) experience papers which present issues such as educational needs, policy processes or practical applications.

 The former type of paper follows the expected academic requirements for research papers; the latter is more experiential so could, by definition, be of a different nature from the typical conference paper. Submitters will be asked to categorize their papers as either type (1) or (2) or both, which will then drive the selection of reviewers. This will ensure that all papers are reviewed fairly. Important Dates: We will have two opportunities for submissions. For those not submitting to the main COLING conference, relevant dates are:- Workshop pre-submission deadline: May 1, 2018 - Notification: May 30, 2018 - Camera-ready submission deadline: June 30, 2018 For those who might also submit to the main conference, dates established by COLING organizers are:- Workshop submission deadline: May 25, 2018 - Notification: June 20, 2018 - Camera-ready submission deadline: June 30, 2018 Note that this very short deadline for authors means that pre-submissions from those authors who are not impacted by the main conference will be accepted earlier.More Information: