Call for Papers: American Name Society

Below is a call for papers for the annual conference of the American Name Society in Austin, TX:

The third call for papers for our 2017 annual conference in Austin, Texas has been issued. As before, research on any aspect of names and naming is welcome! The deadline for submission is Thursday, the 30th of June 2016.To submit your abstract, simply use the information provided via this link: you have any questions about the submission process or the conference itself, please send either myself or our ANS Vice President, Dr. Dorothy Dodge Robbins, an email <>.  We would be happy to be of assistance!There are also a few spaces left for presenters interested in joining the special panel on Onomastics Beyond Academia.  If you would like to share your experience and expertise in applied onomastics, please contact Laurel Sutton <laurel@CATCHWORDBRANDING.COM>.  The deadline for abstracts for this panel is the 15th of July 2016.  For more information about this panel, please use this link: forward to seeing you in Austin, Texas!Best Wishes,Dr. I. M. NickPresident of the American Name Society