2nd International Conference on Mesoamerican Linguistics

We invite abstracts for papers and panels from all areas related to the languages ofMesoamerica, including both the indigenous languages and Mesoamerican Spanish, to besubmitted to the Second Mesoamerican Linguistics Conference, to be held at CaliforniaState University, Los Angeles on March 6-7, 2015. We are especially interested inproposals concerning community-based language documentation and revitalizationefforts for the indigenous languages of Mesoamerica.Submission guidelines:1. Papers may be delivered in English or Spanish. Authors may submit up to twoabstracts, one individual and one jointly authored. Presentation time for papers will be 20minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion.2. The abstract must be no more than one page in length, single-spaced in 12-point font.3. To preserve anonymity during the review process, authors should not include theirnames or otherwise reveal their identities anywhere in the abstract.4. Please specify the title of the paper, area of research, name, academic affiliation andemail in the accompanying email.5. Please send submissions as a Word or PDF file to both conference organizers: NatalieOperstein (noperstein@fullerton.edu) and Aaron Sonnenschein(asonnen@exchange.calstatela.edu).Important dates:Deadline for panel proposals: 15 November 2014Deadline for abstracts: 15 December 2014Notification: 1 January 2015Conference dates: 6-7 March 2015