CFP: SSILA Summer 2019 Meeting

The Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA) will hold a summer meeting at the LSA 2019 Linguistic Institute, which will take place at the University of California, Davis.  The meeting will be held on July 13 and July 14 at the UC Davis Conference Center.  SSILA meetings allow scholars to present on a wide range of topics centered on any aspect of Indigenous American languages.

Click here for the complete call for papers and abstract guidelines.

This meeting will host a special session on the broader impact of linguistic work in the Americas.  The social context and collaborative dynamic of every project varies enormously across the continent.  Whereas some communities might focus efforts on language conservation and reclamation, others might consider linguistic work to take a less central role in achieving community goals.  We encourage scholars to submit contributions which explore the ways in which they collaborate with speaker communities and other stakeholders, and what broader impacts their work has had, whether positive or negative.  To further bring this special session in line with the overall theme of 2019 Institute – linguistics in a digital era – we ask that authors focus on broader impacts related to digital resources.

Need to join SSILA so you can submit your abstract? Join SSILA here!

Click here for the complete call for papers and abstract guidelines.