We would like to introduce you to the team who created the new SSILA website:
Diego Frankel
Diego is an undergraduate computational linguistics major at the University of Southern California. He is a summer 2020 intern with Mary Linn, the SSILA Secretary/Treasurer, at the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage (CFCH).
He is responsible for the bulk of the work you see (and don’t see) on these pages, and in getting the membership transferred from the old site.
Diego also translated all of the content into Spanish.
Hali Dardar
Hali is the Language Reclamation and Media Project Coordinator at CFCH. Some of you may have met her at the LSA/CELP closing event for the 2019 Year of Indigenous Languages at the winter meetings in New Orleans, where she was with the Houma Language Project presenting some of their language and culture learning activities.
Hali oversaw Diego in the technical aspects and financial linkings on the new platform.
She kept all of us on track.
Cecelia Halle
Cecelia is the Strategic Communications Specialist of Cultural Sustainability at CFCH. She worked as an intern on the Smithsonian Mother Tongue Film Festival before joining the staff.
She refreshed our logo, and decided on colors, styles, and images for the new look.
As the granddaughter of Morris Halle, Cecelia is honored that her design skills could be used for SSILA.
Danny Hieber
And a special thank you to Danny Hieber, former SSILA Webmaster and PhD Candidate at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who designed and took care of the old site single-handedly for many years, and who was there for us to answer questions during this transition.
Mary Linn
SSILA Secretary/Treasurer