CoLang 2020 Announced!

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The Institute on Collaborative Language Research (CoLang) is please to announce that its next institute will be held at the University of Montana from June 15th – July 17th, 2020, and will be co-hosted by the Universty of Montana (UM) and Chief Dull Knife College (CDKC), a two-year tribal college of the Northern Cheyenne in Montana. The institute is designed to provide an opportunity for community language activists and linguists to receive training in community-based language documentation and revitalization.

CoLang 2020 will consist of two parts:

  • The first two weeks are devoted to focused workshops and organized discussions, providing hands-on training in the latest linguistic technology, interdisciplinary methods, and best practices in ethical community collaborations. Workshops are facilitated by established experts.
  • The following three weeks are dedicated to practica, where students will work directly with speakers of selected endangered languages to learn documentation methods and applications first-hand, integrating the skills acquired during the preceding workshops. CoLang 2020 will have multilateral themes including Language Reclamation, Indigenous Perspectives, Technology, and Interdisciplinarity.

Visit the CoLang 2020 website for more details.