Call for Session Proposals: 6th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (ICLDC) — SSILA
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Call for Session Proposals: 6th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (ICLDC)

ICLDC 6 logo

6th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation: Connecting Communities, Language, & Technology

February 28 – March 3, 2019

Hawai'i Imin International Conference Center

Honolulu, Hawai'i USA

2nd Call for Proposals: Papers, Posters, & Technology Showcase

Proposal Deadline: August 31, 2018

While we especially welcome abstracts that address the conference theme, Connecting Communities, Languages & Technology, we also welcome abstracts on other subjects in language documentation and conservation, which may include but are not limited to:

  • Connecting communities, languages & technology
  • Archiving matters
  • Assessing success in documentation and revitalization strategies
  • Community experiences of revitalization
  • Data management
  • Ethical issues
  • Language planning
  • Lexicography and grammar design
  • Methods of assessing ethnolinguistic vitality
  • Orthography design
  • Teaching/learning small languages
  • Topics in areal language documentation
  • Training in documentation methods – beyond the university

Presentation Formats

  1. Papers will be allowed 20 minutes for presentation with 10 minutes of question time.
  2. Posters will be on display throughout the day of presentation. Poster presentations will run during the lunch period. Poster presentations are recommended for authors who wish to present smaller, more specific topics or descriptions of particular projects.
  3. Technology Showcase is a new feature to be introduced at ICLDC 2019 is the Technology Showcase, which is a networking event for developers, linguists, and community members involved in creating, repurposing, or otherwise utilizing a wide variety of technologies for language work to interact in an informal, hands-on session. The Technology Showcase will provide an opportunity for face-to-face contact and hopefully lead to productive collaborations—both between developers and communities, and also between developers and between communities who might not be aware of others working on similar efforts. We are soliciting developers (broadly defined) to submit proposals that outline the tool that they have developed, which include but are not limited to software, apps, web technologies, repurposed uses of software, novel scripts.

For more information including abstract guidelines, online submission form and scholarship opportunities, please see the conference website.