Call for SSILA Program Committee Member

The SSILA Program Committee (PC) is in need of a new member to serve for three years.

The PC is the body responsible for organizing the SSILA annual meetings.  It is made up of all the voting members of the elected SSILA Executive Committee, as well as three dedicated PC members who serve for three-year terms.  The chair of the PC is the member who is in their third year.  As the senior PC member this year, Verónica Nercesian will chair the PC as we prepare for the 2022 Annual Meeting.  Martin Kohlberger will continue to serve in his role as Program Committee Administrator, facilitating PC members in their tasks throughout the year.

We are seeking nominations for a SSILA member to serve as the newest member of the Program Committee.  The appointment will begin in February 2021 and conclude at the end of the 2024 Annual Meeting.

Volunteers for this position can expect the following yearly tasks:

  • Preparing calls for papers in mid-February and early May

  • Assigning abstracts to external reviewers in mid-July

  • Reading abstracts and making acceptance decisions in early May and late August

  • Preparing the program for the annual meeting in September

  • Making logistical decisions in October and November for how the conference will be run

  • Participating in the annual meeting in early January

Please nominate yourself or someone else by February 10, 2021.  Please give a brief explanation of why you or the person that you nominate would be a good fit for this position. If you nominate someone else, please confirm with them that they would be willing to serve on the committee for a three-year term.

Nominations should be sent to SSILA president Gaby Caballero (, or to the SSILA secretary Mary Linn (

We hope to receive your nomination soon. Thank you for your support!