Call for SSILA Awards & Prizes 2021 — SSILA
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Call for SSILA Awards & Prizes 2021

SSILA is pleased to announce a Call for Nominations for our awards and prizes for 2021. Please go to the linked landing page for each to get further information about the award or prize, and for details about the nomination requirements and processes.  The awards will be presented at the 2022 SSILA Annual Business Meeting.

Mary R Haas Book Award, junior scholar for an unpublished manuscript that makes a significant substantive contribution about Indigenous languages of the Americas.

Ken Hale Prize, presented in recognition of outstanding community language work and a deep commitment to the documentation, maintenance, promotion, and revitalization of Indigenous languages in the Americas.

Victor Golla Prize, presented in recognition of a significant history of both linguistic scholarship and service to the scholarly community, with service that expands the quality and/or dissemination of such scholarship.

The deadline for receipt of nominations for the Hale and Golla Prizes and submissions for the Haas Award is June 15, 2019.

SSILA Archiving Award, highlights the importance of creating long-term archival materials that are accessible to all communities concerned, including heritage and language communities as well as scholarly communities. It is meant to encourage others in academia to value such work as more comparable to analytic research.

The deadline for receipt of nominations for the SSILA Archiving Award is October 15, 2021.

Please email if you have any questions about the nomination processes.

Mary Linn, SSILA Secretary/Treasurer

