2022 Best Student Paper Award  

Congratulations to Alonso Vásquez Aguilar!

This year, the Best Student Paper Award goes to Alonso Vásquez Aguilar for his paper, "Non-moraicity and weight augmentation in Shiwilu (Kawapanan)." Alonso is a student at the University of California, Santa Barbara. 

The reviewers commented on his use of relevant diagnostics and providing quantitative support for his hypothesis and situating this language typologically in his conclusion. One commented, "Great job including naturalistic data! It was clearly a huge amount of work to measure and compile." The forthcoming statistical analysis should hopefully strengthen the work. The committee was made up of volunteers chaired by Jack Martin, VP/President-Elect.

This year, students will able to tick a box again stating whether they wish to be considered for the Best Student Paper Award when they submit their abstracts on Easy Chair.