John Powell Named to the Program Committee

The Executive Committee and Martin Kohlberger, the Program Committee Administrator, has named John Powell to the Program Committee 2022-2024. John is PhD candidate in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Arizona, specializing in historical linguistics, morphosyntax, language documentation and revitalization, and linguistic geography. He works primarily with Yuman languages and he has collaborated with the Piipaash (Maricopa) community within their community-centered research since 2016. He has been a member of SSILA since 2018.

John has much relevant experience already. He recently chaired Arizona Linguistics Circle (ALC), a regional peer-reviewed conference primarily attended by graduate students and junior faculty. Under his leadership, they successfully conducted a hybrid conference, such that attendees and presenters could participate either remotely or in-person with the same experience – something that is becoming ever more important as we realize that Covid is here to stay and as we reach out to our membership who are not able to travel to the USA.

Welcome, John, to the Program Committee!